Work with me

It’s not about soldiering on and getting through every performance. It’s about owning your story, working on the stuff that sucks, and giving yourself permission to be your whole self - because only when you show up fully can your art really thrive.

I work 1:1 with clients using an eclectic, multi-modal process with The Bonny Method of GIM at the crux.

How does GIM work?

The Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music (GIM) is a music-centered depth approach to transformational therapy that uses selected sequences of recorded music to support the processing of and movement through inner experiences. In GIM, the music serves as a catalyst and container for journeys of the imagination that evoke a variety of images, emotions, memories, somatic sensations, and creative insights that allow the client to access and explore the full spectrum of the human experience in a safe and supported manner. Experiencing imagery in this way facilitates clients’ integration of mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being.

A GIM session typically lasts 90 minutes, and looks like this:

  1. We discuss your presenting issues, which leads to an intention for the session.

  2. I help you get into a relaxed and expanded state of awareness (induction).

  3. You listen to a program of music specifically designed to address your presenting issues. You verbalize the images, feelings, sensations, and memories evoked by the music, and I help you develop and expand your imagery experiences.

  4. At the close of the music, I assist your return from the deepened state and help you process the insights that arose.

“Your music and imagery experiences are reflections of you and are unique to your personal relationships, feelings, and personality. You may have glimpses of transpersonal inspiration that both challenge and reinforce your sense of who you are and who you can become. Your creativity may be awakened. You may gain new perspectives on your life issues and may feel empowered to address them with renewed energy.” – AMI website


When listened to in a state of heightened awareness, music is able to generate greater levels of emotional intensity, depth, and comprehensiveness:

Melodies, harmonies, and rhythms reveal meanings; insights into self are a common occurrence; one sees more ways to look at a problem, an idea, a person.”
– Helen Bonny, founder of Guided Imagery and Music (GIM)


1-hour therapy $175

1-hour performance coaching $175

1.5-hour GIM/therapy/performance coaching $225

2-hour GIM deep-dive $275

Although I do not accept insurance, I do offer sliding scale, if this is something you require.

Ready to learn more?

If you’re interested in booking a session with me, simply fill out the form below and we will schedule a consultation.